On Fri,27.Mar.09, 11:09:32, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Is there a simple way to get back the original package defauft config?
> No.  Various way to do that have been proposed already in this thread,
> but there's no simple and reliable way to do that.  It's too
> bad, really.  I wish `dpkg' was careful to stash a copy of the original
> conf file somewhere when installing it.  This would not only make it
> easy to do what you want, but it would also make it possible for dpkg to
> present a diff3 (rather than a diff) when a new config needs to be
> installed and it conflicts with a local change.

You might be interested in reading the thread starting with


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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