On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 02:48, Sven Luther wrote:

> > > That is not quite accurate.  Woody ships with xfree86 4.1.  libxft2 is
> > > required by gnome2.2, and appears first in xfree86 4.2 (again, not in
> > > official woody).  xfree86 4.3 has an upgraded freetype that is
> > > incompatible with woody.  As such, people trying to install the gnome2.2
> > > backport on standard woody need to upgrade xfree86 to 4.2, and not 4.3. 
> Would it not be better to rebuild the gnome 2.2 backport together with a
> backport of branden's unofficial 4.3 packages ? 

I don't think so.  Though Branden's packages are undoubtedly of high
quality, since they are unofficial, I don't know how widely tested they
are.  There are many people that are using the backport on production
systems, and I provide what is needed for it to work and I am not going
to break things now.  If others want xfree86 4.3, then they can use it
with the gnome2.2 backport (see previous posting).

> I seriously doubt that
> it is wise to continue to stay with an XFree release that is more than
> 18 month old, and doesn't support lots of modern graphic cards. Also,
> gnome 2.2 was released, if i am not wrong, on almost the same timeframe
> as X 4.3 was released, so i seriously doubt that it is incompatible, or
> at least that early incompatibilities have not been fixed since.
Nobody said gnome2.2 was incompatible with xfree86 4.3.  xfree86 4.3 is
incompatible with woody in general because it depends on freetype >=

> So either it should run with 4.1 as present in woody, or go all the way
> and work with a backport of the 4.3 packages.
Did you not read the previous post?  You _can't_ run the backport with
xfree86 4.1 because of libxft2-- it isn't in xfree86 4.1 and is required
by gnome 2.2.  There is talk of getting the various backports for woody
(including xfree86 4.3 and gnome2.2) to work together better, so maybe
something positive will come of that.

> Not that it is all that important, since we will have a sarge release
> soon now :)))

The eternal optimist.  :)


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