2008/11/13 François Cerbelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Le Jeu 13 novembre 2008 12:26, Anton Piatek a écrit :
> [...]
>> Installing this package pops up a debhelper choice of which packages
>> they want to build and install. I suppose I am closest to m-a in how
>> it is working.
>> I would rather that this package pops up a menu each time it is
>> reinstalled as it means users have some way of knowing a new upstream
>> package is available should they wish to build and install it.
> Ok, so you could use the second solution (as msttcorefont or
> flashplayer-nonfree):
> - postinst ask the user where the tar.gz file is
> - if the user dont have it, postinst download it for him
> - postinst installs the tar.gz in the right place and tracks the list of
> files
> - prerm delete the file tracked at the postinst stage.
> So you do have a package (nearly empty) which installs the soft. The soft
> is not included in the package but downloaded at install time, you can
> remove the files installed and you can depend on this package.
> Does it answer to your needs ?

It is easier to use make-jpkg to sort our the java package, as it has
the same layout as other java packages.
This way I don't have to work out all the extra things I need to setup
for java to work properly (alternatives etc)

So without hacking make-jpkg to bits, I end up with a .deb which needs


Anton Piatek
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
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