2008/11/13 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Anton Piatek escreveu:
>> Trying to help, I came up with a script that can build and install the
>> package, and I would like to put this script in a deb, and have it
>> autorun so that we can make other packages depend on this one such
>> that a user has a chance of getting the package built and installed
>> easily
> Why can't you simply tell the users to run this script, instead of
> installing a package that runs the script?

We have a base meta-package that all users need to install - that
could force this package to be installed, the postinst would offer the
choice of which version they want to download+build+install

It will cause less support requests than having to tell people to run
script X to achieve the same result


Anton Piatek
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
blog/photos:                    http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [0xB307BAEF]       (http://www.strangeparty.com/anton.asc)
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