On Saturday 08 November 2008 01:12, Star Liu wrote:
> I want to buy a cheap website host for my personal website(a very
> simple and small website), and this website is now hosted on my own PC
> using  debian+apache2+mono(asp.net)+postgresq. It seams quite hard to
> find a cheap website host on sell which satisfy my request(they
> usually only support php+mysql, not mono+postgresql), so I ask you for
> help, could you give me some information? thanks.

Look at SliceHost (my provider) or another VPS solution.  This generally gives 
you much more freedom and control than web hosting, without the expense (or 
total flexibility) of dedicated hosting.

I'd recommend a service based on Xen or KVM if you have to do anything with 
kernel modules.  UML and... well, I've forgotten in same of the other 
technology (I want to call it VServer.)... anyway, those generally either 
don't let you load kernel modules at all or are quite restrictive, where Xen 
requires special modules, but debian builds them for you, and KVM doesn't 
ever require special modules.

SliceHost is Xen based.  Also, you do have to pay 3 months in advance when you 
sign up, but after that it's month-to-month, IIRC.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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