On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 08:30:45AM +1000, Daniel Dalton wrote:
> I just realised I have dial up all around Australia, so want to take
> advantage of this.
> So, my laptop has a win modem in side it. So can anyone tell me a brand
> and model to look for on ebay, so I can get a cheap 56 k modem that will
> work with linux?
> After that I think I know how to configure it, I found a page on it...
> I just want to make sure I don't get one of those stupid win modems... I
> know there is linmodem, but it seems I have to pay for the driver, and I
> believe all software on my linux box should be free...
> And... it seems easier just to get a proper modem.
> Should I be getting a modem that connects to the serial port?
> So can anyone help me on this one?

The gold-standard in modems is the 3Com/US Robotics Courier
V-Everything.  It works with a serial port and requires no drivers.  It
also does great on noisy lines.  I purchased mine off eBay for $49.

3Com/USR also makes the Sportster which is less functional and cheaper
when new (the courier new is about $400).


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