On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 11:41:43PM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> I am in search of a simplified approach to blog maintenance.  At the
> present time, I have a blog which is maintained with WordPress.
> WordPress rapidly is increasing in complexity because features are
> being added.  The procedure for backing up and restoring the MySQL
> data base is complex.  And with the complexity comes the need for
> frequent updates of the WordPress software; this is becoming a hassle.
> My blog is strictly for my own posts; I have no need for visitor
> comments or uploads.  Static pages are adequate, and I can maintain my
> own index to blog articles on the first page of the blog.
> At this point, I am thinking that my blogging needs could be served
> adequately with a set of very simple web pages.  The only problem I
> see is the need to create an RSS feed for the blog.
> Am I overlooking something?  Or should I look to blogging software to
> replace WordPress?
> Is there a simple open-source RSS feed generator for such an
> application?  

Two recent Debian-grown things: cronicle and ikiwiki.
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