I am in search of a simplified approach to blog maintenance.  At the
present time, I have a blog which is maintained with WordPress.

WordPress rapidly is increasing in complexity because features are
being added.  The procedure for backing up and restoring the MySQL
data base is complex.  And with the complexity comes the need for
frequent updates of the WordPress software; this is becoming a hassle.

My blog is strictly for my own posts; I have no need for visitor
comments or uploads.  Static pages are adequate, and I can maintain my
own index to blog articles on the first page of the blog.

At this point, I am thinking that my blogging needs could be served
adequately with a set of very simple web pages.  The only problem I
see is the need to create an RSS feed for the blog.

Am I overlooking something?  Or should I look to blogging software to
replace WordPress?

Is there a simple open-source RSS feed generator for such an


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