On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 06:42 +0530, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:
> Rico Secada wrote:
> > Hi.
> > 
> > Why is Debian not setup to be secure be default?
> > 
> > Not everyone is a security expert so imho the system should be fully
> > secured out-of-the-box.
> Please elaborate on what you consider to be the insecure parts of a 
> default installation. Describe a process by which an etch system can be 
> compromised remotely. Obviously, the ability to become root by tweaking 
> the boot parameters from the grub screen does not count as a vulnerability.
> -- 
> Raj Kiran Grandhi
> --
> Politics is for the moment. An equation is for eternity.
>                                         -- Albert Einstein
 My 2 cents a default firewall would be nice


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