On 17/03/2008, Jörg Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I cannot mount an usb hd when it was connected while switching on my machine.
>  The message is the famous "already mounted or busy". I found many things in
>  google, but nothing matches my problem.
>  symptoms:
>  - device is detected on startup (currently /dev/sdc with 3 partitions sdc1-3)
>  - mount -> usb hd not in list, so not mounted yet

Does "cat /proc/mount" produce the same result?

Do you see any entry that you cannot identify as a disk you know
(beside the usual proc, sysfs...)? Maybe there is a node in /dev
referring to sdc with another name.

>  - lsofs  -> empty for both the device (/dev/sdc2) and the mount point
>  - tried different mount points (no shell / file manager blocks the mount 
> point
>  - sudo mount -a / open disk in konqueror-> "already mounted or busy"

Can you read the disk? E.g. (probably to be done as root)
  dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null count=10
  dd if=/dev/sdc2 of=/dev/null count=10

Can you mount it read-only (-o ro)?


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