Excuse my stepping in here. If you go to the Linux Questions forum website and google there for your network card, there are some links to modules which can be added to the kernel that will permit this card to be used. I am not sure if they work with all distros and releases, but there are links there for a lot of them including the Ubuntu distros prior to Gutsy - and the Ubuntu distros prior to Gutsy are based on Debian. You should be able to find one that works or a link to one that can be used. You might also check with Atheros since Atheros bought Attansic and is marketing the same network card with the same name. They might have a downloadable module you can use.

L.V.Gandhi wrote:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 6:25 AM, Sridhar M.A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 05:57:28PM -0500, Andrew Reid wrote:
   > On Wednesday 20 February 2008 22:53, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
   > > I have bought ASUS P5GC-MX mother board which has inbuilt  Attensic
   > > network card. During installation of debian etch, card was not
   > > detected. Hence installed with out network only minimal system(with
   > > only last option in software selection). I have googled. But I didn't
   > > get anywhere near solution. I have only stock kernel of etch.
   >   Check the CD that came with the motherboard -- I recently
   > installed etch on some P5GC-MX/1333 machines (which is *not* exactly
   > the same mobo, I learned that...) and there's a "linux" directory
   > on the CD with source for an atl2 module that works with the
   > Debian "etch" 2.6.18 kernel.
 I am also using an ASUS board with Attansic network card. Kernel 2.6.18
 does not support this card. Why not install 2.6.2[234] on your machine?
 One of them might even be available from backports?


 Sridhar M.A.                                 GPG KeyID : F6A35935
  Fingerprint: D172 22C4 7CDC D9CD 62B5  55C1 2A69 D5D8 F6A3 5935

Dear Sridhar,
Thanks for the response. I tried compiling with downloaded source for
atl2 after installing build-essential. I get msg linux kernel source
not found stop. Is yours attansic L2 network card? Does the driver
compile with any of  2.6.2[234]. What kernel you used and whether it
has direct support or you have compiled driver. If compiled from where
did you get the source? Kindly reply. TIA.

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