
My reply is at the very bottom.

Martin Marcher wrote:
Jozef Peterka wrote:

Hi all,
I might be rushing in to conversation, but I will try to install Debian
Etch and make it Dom0 this very weekend. I really look forward to it -
although with a little hope to success :)
Nevermind, I wanted wish you good luck with xen, and the important is
let everybody here know what happened. I will do that after weekend as
well, I will post my experience in a short mail to this threat.

xen runs fine in etch i have ~15 domUs running on 2 physical machines with
~50LVs attached. not a single problem regarding xen on either of those.



What is the exact kernel version you are running on both machines and what are their CPU designations? The problems in the past have not been with the distribution but with various kernels. Did you compile your systems from source or did you use pre-compiled packages? Did you compile the source and apply a patch for the kernels or did you use kernel binaries with the Xen package already compiled into the kernel binaries?

Looking forward to this information.  Thanks, Ted

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