Hi all,
I might be rushing in to conversation, but I will try to install Debian
Etch and make it Dom0 this very weekend. I really look forward to it -
although with a little hope to success :)
Nevermind, I wanted wish you good luck with xen, and the important is
let everybody here know what happened. I will do that after weekend as
well, I will post my experience in a short mail to this threat.

Have a nice day all

On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 00:24 -0700, Ted Hilts wrote:
> Rick
> My response at very bottom.
> Ted
> Rick Thomas wrote:
> > I'm trying to get started with Xen.
> >
> > I've installed Lenny and a bunch of packages that looked interesting 
> > and mentioned Xen in their descriptions.  But there does not seem to 
> > be a Xen enabled kernel available.  Is Xen built-in to the Lenny 
> > kernels, or what?
> >
> > I plan to spend tonite with my feet up in the easy chair reading the 
> > documents in /usr/share/doc/Xen-docs-3.1/ .  I hope they will be 
> > helpful, but they don't seem to mention Debian specifically.  I've 
> > googled every which way, but everything I find is for Etch or Sarge 
> > and expects me to have a Xen enabled kernel.
> >
> > More generally, is there a HOWTO or FAQ that would give me some 
> > pointers to getting Xen up and running?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> > Rick
> >
> >
> Hi Rick
> Sorry for any typos. There is a problem for newer Debian kernels (as in 
> the etch distribution) and Xen.  They just don't work and there is 
> currently no patch to save the day.  Ubuntu has Xen based recent kernels 
> which apparently work well but I have not yet tried them. The Xen web 
> site has 3 Xen options one of which I think is still free. Either one of 
> these 3 options can be installed providing a DOM 0  basic virtualizing 
> machine. Also, some of the other Linux distributions like SuSE have Xen 
> based kernels.  Xen based kernels are regular kernels but have the Xen 
> application compiled into them making them the basis for hardware 
> virtualization and thus called DOM 0 meaning the virtualization machine 
> that redirects system calls from DOM U distributions.  A DOM U 
> distribution is virtualized meaning that during the time slice for a 
> particular DOM U distribution it's system calls get re-routed to the DOM 
> 0 computer resources (mostly hardware including CPU, memory, drives, LAN 
> interface, etc.).  DOM U distributions each have their own partition and 
> are activated by the DOM 0 Xen  application as a virtual machine..  
> There can be as many as 64 partitions in total including the partition 
> for DOM 0. Most designers prefer to have the DOM 0 Xen system as a 
> minimal distribution.  The DOM 0 distribution can create virtual 
> machines from it's own distribution so that you might have several 
> virtual machines each doing one important thing instead of the 
> conventional way where all these things get done on the one 
> distribution.  Of course, you can run other Linux distributions as DOM U 
> installations. This is what makes Xen most efficient.
> Your fastest, safest, and best solution right now would be to get one of 
> the 3 optional systems offered by the Xen developers.  Apparently, they 
> have a blog and I know they have a list. I have a  download  of the 
> free  Xen  package on a CD which is now a year old and which I will be  
> installing on  a computer.  I will  install a large Debian distribution 
> as well as smaller Debian distributions each in their own partition and 
> use them as virtual machines.  DOM 0 will be the free Xen package which 
> took me a week to download and now I am trying to find it. The Xen 
> documentation describes how the DOM 0 machine is made aware of the DOM U 
> partitions with their respective distributions.  BTW, you can now take a 
> Windowzzzzz distribution like XP or more recent and run it as a DOM U 
> virtual machine.That's neat if you have applications like I have that 
> can only run on Windowzzzzz.  But you have to buy a license from MS. 
> Hope this information gets you going.  There is one fellow on the 
> debian-user list that has had a Linux Xen system running for about 2 
> years or more but that system would be running on an older kernel and he 
> would have compiled the Xen application into the kernel and I think he 
> used the AMD CPU.  A number of people have tried to update their older 
> Debian kernel with patches which automatically makes their system non 
> operational. I think Debian really missed the importance of Xen and to 
> get a Debian DOM 0 system from the etch distribution was not possible.  
> Apparently there is a new distribution by what I hear on the list 
> chatter. That distribution I am not aware of other than it is Debian 4.x 
> distribution.  Hopefully, if that is the case there may now be kernels 
> available with the Xen application installed.
> Have a nice day and if you get Xen up and running please be kind enough 
> to let the list know about your configuration and other issues as there 
> have been many over the last few years that have wanted help and advice. 
> I reiterate, your best chance of success is to run out of the Xen box as 
> provided by the Xen developers.
> Thanks -- Ted

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