Paul Csanyi wrote:

I have installed Debian Etch with software raid 1.

I am using for this two sata drives.

Is it possyble to turn this system to non software raid?

Doing so I wish to get the first sata drive to use with
Debian Etch as non software raid, and to use second
sata drive as a backup, and data drive.

Any advice will be appreciated!

Hey Paul

I would do it this way:

1. Place your second harddisk to another bus (or plug it on over an usb-sata adapter) OR Remove in ~ /etc/mdadm the second disk. 2. Restart and boot from a newer kanotix live-cd (maybe others work also). With it, you can easily mount a raid partition. 3. Maybe repartition and format your first drive and copy the new files on it.
4. Write MBR and other things with lilo/grub (this is the tricky part).
5. Boot

Maybe someone else has a better solution. But that's the way I do such things. "Fixes" are welcome ;)

Best regards,
Benjamin Schmidt

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