On 09/12/2007, js <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've just switched back my dev box from OS X to Debian.
> (I was used to be a Debian users but away from Debian for about 3 or
> more years.)
> OS X is great but Debian is so much better and easier in managing packages.
> OS X has some alternative to APT, like Fink and MacPorts
> but they are not official and packages is fewer than Debian's.
> In addition, Debian provides clearner system, conf is in /etc, binary
> is in /usr/bin.
> So I'm thinking that I also switch my notebook's OS to Debian.
> Before starting this switch, I like to hear some comments from
> people who's using Debian on their notebook.
> Is there any annoyance?
> One thing I worry is battery management
> where Apple's MacBook is very good at.
> OS X's sleep mode is just works. I love it so much.
> Thanks.

I've just recently switched to Debian and the Debian-based Ubuntu from
Fedora. I find that Debian, and especially Ubuntu, and the easiest to
install distros for this problematic Dell Inspiron with it's awful ATI
video card and 1680x1050 screen resolution. That said, the latest
Ubuntu (7.10) fails whereas it's predecesor (7.04) succeeded. Vanilla
Debian also installs fine. Wife, suspend, bluetooth, card reader, usb,
all work fine.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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