On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 16:32:46 -0500, Tom Ashley wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 12:02 -0700, John Schmidt wrote:


> > If you are using xine as your engine, and trying to play mp3s, ....  If you 
> > are 
> > using other engines, this fix shouldn't resolve your problem.
> > 
> > John
> > 
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the response.  I can play the mp3s withouth any problem.  My
> problem appears to be limited to flash audio.

The default configuration for iceweasel is ICEWEASEL_DSP="none" which
means it will try to play audio by accessing the ALSA /dev/snd/* devices
directly. (You can change this setting in /etc/iceweasel/iceweaselrc, as
Andrei has already pointed out.)

If I run iceweasel in this default configuration and play a youtube
video (with sound, of course) then I see this:

$ lsof -w | egrep 'snd|dsp'
npviewer. 9886  florian  mem  CHR 116,16  7092 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
npviewer. 9886  florian  63r  CHR 116,33  7000 /dev/snd/timer
npviewer. 9886  florian  64u  CHR 116,16  7092 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p

(I edited the output above to trim excessive whitespace.)

This means that iceweasel's flash plugin cannot play sound if some other
process is blocking these devices. If you are using KDE or Gnome then
the devices are probably under the control of a sound daemon (artsd or
esd, respectively). Run the "lsof -w | egrep 'snd|dsp'" command before
you start iceweasel to see which process is blocking the device(s). The
first quick test is to kill the blocking process and check if this
allows iceweasel to play sound in flash movies.

If a sound daemon is indeed responsible for locking the devices then you
can either tell it to share the device (this is possible in KDE, I don't
know about Gnome's esd) or you can try to configure iceweasel for
playing audio via the sound daemon by putting one of these into

ICEWEASEL_DSP="artsdsp"  # for KDE's artsd


ICEWEASEL_DSP="esddsp"  # for Gnome's esd

Iceweasel has to be restarted after changing the settings. I took these
options from "man iceweasel" but I never tried them myself. (I told my
artsd not to hog the ALSA devices and this works fine with iceweasel's
default DSP="none" setting.)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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