On 11/15/2007 11:50 AM, Tom Ashley wrote:
> I'm stumped and need help with configuring my computer for sound with
> video.  I can play CD's and listen to audio streams but get no sound
> with video feeds (CNN, MSNBC, You Tube, etc.).  I've searched the list
> archives and Google for the past 3 days finding similar problems but
> none of the solutions help in my situation.
> I'm running Debian Etch on a P4 with 2GB RAM; sound card is C-Media
> Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10).

> The permissions are okay; my user name is in the audio group.
> If I understand correctly, ALSA is correctly configured and activated.
> Per cat /proc/modules:

> I'd appreciate if anyone can offer a solution or point me in the right
> direction.
> Thanks in advance.

Hi Tom -- Yes, it's frustrating.  Search for my posts here in 2007 for
my struggles and solutions with sound on etch.

You have sound, you say.  But not with video.

Which players work/don't work?  Sound with flash running thru a browser
is different from sound from an mpeg4 file playing on mplayer.

If you use mplayer, what's in .mplayer/config?

This list is the right place.  Just provide some more detail, and the
experts will jump in after we mere mortals swing and miss. :-P

Good luck,

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