I've installed sox on a debian testing system updated weekly: ku dpkg-query -l *sox* Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Description +++-==============-==============-============================================ un libsox-fmt-all <none> (no description available) ii libsox-fmt-als 14.0.0-4 SoX alsa format I/O library ii libsox-fmt-ao 14.0.0-4 SoX Libao format I/O library ii libsox-fmt-bas 14.0.0-4 Minimal set of SoX format libraries ii libsox-fmt-oss 14.0.0-4 SoX OSS format I/O library ii libsox0 14.0.0-4 SoX library ii sox 14.0.0-4 Swiss army knife of sound processing
ku and it doesn't work: ku file gargantula.mp3 gargantula.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 22.0 tag, MP3 encoding ku sox gargantula.mp3 gargantula.ogg sox soxio: Failed reading `gargantula.mp3': unknown file type `mp3' ku sox -t mp3 gargantula.mp3 gargantula.ogg sox soxio: Failed reading `gargantula.mp3': unknown file type `mp3' ku Searching around a bit turns up something recent having to do with libraries but I can't make much sense of it and it seems related to building sox from source. What are the steps I need to take to get sox working? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]