Tyler Smith wrote:
> I am getting really frustrated with exchanging documents with
> colleagues who only use Word. I am quite happy now working with LaTeX
> and BibTex, but in the course of my work I have to deal with WYSIWYG
> documents where formating is critical. latex2rtf is mostly adequate
> for this purpose, but I run into problems when I check the document
> over in OpenOffice only to find that when the same document is opened
> in Word the formatting is screwed up.

Can you give some example situations?  Which version of OOo and which
version of Word?  Which format are you saving in?  Note that OOo can
save to the native MS Word formats pretty losslessly at this point.

> I do support the Free Software ideal, and to this end I have started
> applying my humble C coding skills to bug fixes and adding features to
> latex2rtf, and I try and advocate for open formats whenever
> appropriate. That doesn't address my immediate problem of annoying
> people who I can't afford to annoy at this point in my career with
> sloppily-formatted documents.

RTF isn't any more open than MSWord format, though.

> Which brings me to my question: do any of you have any experience
> using wine or crossover office with MSWord? Does it work?

Articles on Slashdot suggest they do, I recall seeing screenshots a
while back.  However, wine is not trivial and Crossover Office is not

> If it is possible to produce true, well-formatted .doc files this way then it
> will definitely be an improvement over hunting down a computer running

Have you tried saving natively to MS Word in OOo?

> Word under MSWindows to check my submissions. But it needs to be
> completely identical to regular Word - if I have to check the
> crossover/wine Word version with native Word I won't have saved any
> time. Is this possible? Any other suggestions regarding producing true
> .doc formats without resorting to installing Windows would be welcome,
> but in this case OpenOffice is definitely not good enough.

Expand on this.

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