Thank you everyone for your comments. 

I am aware that the problem lies entirely in the inconsistent and
undocumented .doc format. And I know that rtf suffers from many of the
same deficiencies. And I know that pdf is far preferable for most
purposes. For reasons that are beyond my control I am required to
submit manuscripts in .doc format, and they must conform to very
explicit formatting rules. We all know this is dumb, but at the moment
I have to deal with it. Please believe that I will be bringing this
issue up with the academic societies that I am working with. 

The specific situation that I am dealing with is generating an rtf
file from a latex source, checking that over in the latest version of
OOo that is in testing (, making any further corrections that
are necessary, and then saving in .doc format. There were some
problems with the handling of natbib options, for which I have
submitted fixes upstream to latex2rtf. The main remaining issues are
fonts, with the output document containing a variety of different font
families when only one should appear, and equations, which generally
just disappear. I'm not sure which of these issues are associated with
OOo and which with latex2rtf. I can fix latex2rtf bugs and add support
for more LaTeX commands, but I do not have the time or expertise to
hack OOo. 

I will look into Wine with Wordviewer as a first step, as that might
help me isolate specific differences between OOo and Word that are
causing my problems. If I do have to use Crossover Office it is good
to know I can start with a free trial.



On 2007-08-03, Andrei Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --DiL7RhKs8rK9YGuF
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 11:41:54PM +0000, Tyler Smith wrote:
>> over in OpenOffice only to find that when the same document is opened
>> in Word the formatting is screwed up.
> And you are, of course, aware that .doc format is NOT consistent (and it=20
> was never meant to be). If you need to have the same thing displayed on=20
> the clients/boss' computer as on yours you have to use pdf which was=20
> designed for just that.
> Regards,
> Andrei
> --=20
> If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
> (Albert Einstein)
> --DiL7RhKs8rK9YGuF
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
> Content-Description: Digital signature
> Content-Disposition: inline
> --DiL7RhKs8rK9YGuF--

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