Also sprach Gregory Seidman (Tue 22 Jul 02003 at 04:39:52PM -0400):
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 03:23:45PM -0500, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> [...]
> } OK, I have created a standalone ~/.Xdefaults, including *only* your
> } suggestion; and, I have added your two (2) bind's to ~/.muttrc.
> } 
> } I am not sure about xrdb; but, I did /etc/init.d/kdm restart -- is it
> } the same?
> I doubt it, but I'm not certain. Also, that will not affect currently
> running processes, only newly started ones.
> } Nevertheless, although the mutt bind's work by hand, they do *not* work
> } via mousewheel.
> Run the following once (you may need to do it every time you log in):
> xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
> Put the following in a script somewhere:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec xterm -name mutt -e sh -c 'eval `resize -u`; mutt'
> That script will bring up mutt in a new xterm which will use the correct X
> resources. The -name flag is the important bit, since it matches the X
> resource name.
> } What do you think?
> } Best Regards,
> } mds
> --Greg

Yes, I figured out the xrdb -load idiom; and, I also corrected my use of
-title to -name.

Yet, it still does *not* work in pager ;<

What else need I do?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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