Also sprach Gregory Seidman (Tue 22 Jul 02003 at 03:38:18PM -0400):
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 02:16:04PM -0500, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> [...]
> } However, when I am reading long emails, it would really be nice to use
> } the mouse wheel to scroll down the page, just as I do with webpages.
> I actually read the mutt user list and saw the messages fly by on the topic
> today. I didn't actually read them (just deleted them by subject), but I
> decided to see if I could do it, just for fun. It turns out that it is
> pretty easy, except...
> } I'm running mutt in rxvt, if that matters.
> ...yes, that matters tremendously. I got it working using xterm (which I
> use anyway). You see, xterm is a proper Xt app and, therefore, handles Xt
> translations in X resources automatically. Since I pop up a new window for
> mutt (named mutt) anyway, I just put the following in my .Xdefaults:
> mutt.vt100.translations:      #override \n\
>         None<Btn4Down>:       string(<<) \n\
>         None<Btn5Down>:       string(>>) \n
> You will have to reload your resources using xrdb. You will also need the
> following in your .muttrc:
> bind pager < previous-line
> bind pager > next-line
> Note that you could use pretty much any pair of characters, but since the
> angle brackets are already bound properly in index and help, I decided to
> use them. Also note that I have it going two lines at a time, but you can
> adjust that to your liking.
> [...]
> } What do you think?
> I think you should switch to xterm, at least for mutt use.

OK, I have created a standalone ~/.Xdefaults, including *only* your
suggestion; and, I have added your two (2) bind's to ~/.muttrc.

I am not sure about xrdb; but, I did /etc/init.d/kdm restart -- is it
the same?

Nevertheless, although the mutt bind's work by hand, they do *not* work
via mousewheel.

What do you think?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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