> lsof man page illustrates a -t option which lets you pipe "terse" output > to kill, which makes me suppose 'kill -9 pid' does not kill hanging > files belonging to processes. > > raffaele > > There's no such thing, that I know of, as 'kill hanging files'. 'lsof' will give you process id's (PID values) with lots of other info, unless -t is used, which is just the list of PID values. You then use the PID values to kill the processes.
Indeed I wrote about "pipe" to a kill command. When a process dies, all its open files are closed, either by itself or
by the system on its behalf. This is true even if 'kill -9' is used, the system takes cleanup on exit very seriously.
Clear, but what happens when an application crashes? Did the system/process acts as said before? The net result is that open files go away, and the filesystem is no
longer 'busy' and can be umount'ed.
Shall we start a new thread? :) raffaele