Raffaele Morelli wrote:

     > lsof man page illustrates a -t option which lets you pipe "terse"
     > to kill, which makes me suppose 'kill -9 pid' does not kill hanging
     > files belonging to processes.
     > raffaele

    There's no such thing, that I know of, as 'kill hanging files'.  'lsof'
    will give you process id's (PID values) with lots of other info, unless
    -t is used, which is just the list of PID values.

    You then use the PID values to kill the processes.

Indeed I wrote about "pipe" to a kill command.

So far as I can determine, neither 'kill' nor 'killall' accept input from stdin, just the command line. A point I failed to notice in the earlier posts.

    When a process dies, all its open files are closed, either by itself or
    by the system on its behalf.  This is true even if 'kill -9' is used,
    the system takes cleanup on exit very seriously.

Clear, but what happens when an application crashes? Did the system/process acts as said before?

No difference. Any abnormal command exit that doesn't let the command clean up, the system will at least close the files. It is impossible (on *NIX type systems) to have an open file without an associated process. If the process goes away, the file closes. Period.

    The net result is that open files go away, and the filesystem is no
    longer 'busy' and can be umount'ed.

Shall we start a new thread? :)

'nough said, I think, so no.


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