On that point I will agree with you.  The way we treat/ed the Indians is
abominable.  We should have accommodated them, not destroyed them for
there is much we might have learned from them.  However, I'd say our
treatment of them was born out of racism, not the fact that we are an
imperialistic society, because racism comes from human nature, not

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 08:13 -0600, Kent West wrote:
> Freddy Freeloader wrote:
> > [the United States] have never gone to war to expand our borders ....
> The Native Americans might disagree with you ....
> ===
>  From http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
> >
> >
> >   debian-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >       Help and discussion among users of Debian
> >
> > Support for Debian users who speak English. (High-volume mailing list.) 
> Whereas this thread has been somewhat interesting, and has certainly 
> been "discussion", I don't much believe it could be classified as "help" 
> nor "support" for Debian users.
> And whereas I'm not opposed to (and sometimes participate in (see 
> above)) the occasional off-topic thread, this is getting old, and I'd 
> just as soon it die off Real Soon Now (yes, I could delete the messages, 
> but I have just enough interest to at least scan them first - go figure).
> At any rate, I believe this thread needs to be marked Off-Topic, so I 
> have changed the subject line accordingly.
> -- 
> Kent

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