s. keeling wrote:

> Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  Steve Lamb wrote:
>> > Paul Johnson wrote:
>> >> Totalitarianism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive, but neither
>> >> is
>> > any
>> >> other economic and political model combination.  Correlation without
>> > causation.
>> > 
>> >     They're not mutually exclusive because they are the same.  Personal
>> > liberty is economic liberty!  You can't have one without the other. 
>> > Any political movement which curtails economic liberty is directly
>> > curtailing personal liberty.
>>  We'll see if you keep saying that next time you need an operation not
>>  covered by private health insurance.
> Uh huh.  Move to Canada.  Need a hip replacemnt?  Six to eighteen
> months wait, tops.  Catscan?  A year and a half, assuming you don't
> get bumped by higher priority cases.
> You're dreaming.
> Socialism doesn't work for the guy on the street.

The guy on the street doesn't need a hip replacement or a cat scan.  A guy
in the street needs coverage for more routine stuff like checkups and the
emergency broken arm case.

Let's not confuse acute care with preventative care, either.

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