Op do 10-07-2003, om 19:15 schreef Kevin McKinley:
> On 10 Jul 2003 16:50:52 +0200
> Benedict Verheyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > apt-get install tk8.4/unstable (-> i removed it prior to the kernelbuild
> > so i reinstalled it. This could be useful to add to newbie kernel   
> >    procedure doc of Kevin McKinley)
> What would need to be added to the newbiedoc?

I was thinking that it would be interesting that if make xconfig fails,
that the user would have to check if tk8.0 or
something similar is installed. It already mentions the need
for this in the "2.2 What to install" section so it's already
there but a reminder of this could be helpful in the
"4.2 make xconfig" section.

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