Am 2007-02-17 21:36:42, schrieb Mirko Scurk:
> It's shame that there is not a "normal" (non e-bay) supply channel for
> parts for some old architectures. Every other equipment manufacturers have
> obligations to continue to produce spare parts for years after some
> product have ended. Yesterday, brother in law called me and cried because
> his athlon xp socket A board died.

And I have 4 Mainboards AsusTek A7-V600-X with 512 MByze to 1 GByte
here and NO SOCKET A CPU's...   ----   Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

My current RESERVE Devel-Workstation is a P2/333 (512 MByte).

> Yet still i see very often almost new CNC machines that are using 386, 486

You can still buy 486 CPU's and K6 (SC520) from AMD.  :-)

I have a NC-Machine from Emco and it use a K5/133.

> and PI. That is one of reasons i keep some of this old junk around. Few
> days ago I had to connect laser cutter to network but it had network card
> with only thin ethernet on ISA. I could sell one of my ancient isa card
> for $200 because owner was desperate.

I have over 60 US-Robotics Courier I-Modems (ISA ports) and use UM8810-AIO
or MSI MS-4144 Mainboards with Am5x86-75-ADZ (133MHz).

Unforunatly I do not find any MS-4144 mainboards in germany, since this
are one of those where you can have 4 VERY LONG ISA cards on it and the

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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