On Monday 30 June 2003 12:17 am, Mika Fischer wrote:

> * David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-06-30 06:45]:
> > After running various tests - even editing a copy of the file to where
> > it only contained "#!/bin/bash" I finally renamed the file substituting
> > a dash for each dot and bingo!  it worked..
> >
> > It seems that run-parts (at least mine (v 1.15 ) ignores any file with
> > a dot in the name..
> That's a feature nor a bug. :) See also the manpage:
> ----
>        If the --lsbsysinit option is not given then  the  names  must 
> consist entirely  of  upper  and  lower  case letters, digits,
> underscores, and hyphens.
> ----
> > Is this a bug or something about my particular system?  Apparently the
> > maintainer of the kernel-patch package expected it to work, because the
> > name of the file to be run was debian-2.4.21.
> If there is a scribt that should be executed but isn't because it has .'s
> in the name, then that's a bug in kernel-patch (kernel-*package* or
> what?).

I'm not sure who might be at fault.. but here's a snippet from my 
/usr/share/kernel-package  (My k-pkg version is 7.107 - later versions may 
have this fixed, I don't know )

There are several variations to these directories, but this is the sequence 
that applies to my situation...

ifeq ($(strip $(ALL_PATCH_DIR)),)
ALL_PATCH_DIR  = $(shell if [ -d /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/ ]; \
                            then echo /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/ ;\

... and...

... later ...
        if [ -n "$(VERSIONED_ALL_PATCH_DIR)" -a               \
             -d $(VERSIONED_ALL_PATCH_APPLY)  ]; then         \
            run-parts --verbose $(VERSIONED_ALL_PATCH_APPLY); \
        else                                                  \
            true;                                             \

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/apply/
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx    1 dlb      dlb            13 Jun 28 20:40 debian-2-4-21 -> 
-rwxrwxr-x    1 root     src           689 Jun 28 08:36 debian-2.4.21*

(debian-2-4-21 was my addition to make run-parts work)

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