On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 11:24:56AM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 10:47:21PM +1000, Rob Weir wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 04:30:46AM -0400, John Klos wrote:
> > > I gather that all of the tools and disk images are merely there for ...
> > 
> > Other people have answered most of your question, but this page explains
> > a very neat way to create a full Debian chroot:
> > http://people.debian.org/~walters/chroot.html
> > 
> An OT questions:
> If I were to do this, is there some way I could convert the chroot Debian into
> a real full up Debian? e.g. have the /newdebian be a mount point to another hd,
> and then ???

Sure.  Just as long as you have a boot disk or something to enable yo to
boot into it.  You could go directly onto this from lilo, but it would
be tricky to set up.

> And how do daemons behave? 

As normal.  If something outside the chroot is listening on a port they
want to use (say you have apache both and out of the chroot), though,
whichever starts last will fail on startup with a message like 'address
already in use'.  You can go another step and use User-Mode Linux, which
will run another instance of the Linux kernel, and all your programs
in your chroot under that.  Then they can have their own IPs or
whatever, as well as being unable to steal ports or whatever from
process outside.

> Are there daemons running on the chroot Debian?

If you install them.  It's just like a normal Debian install in there.
debootstrap just creates the Debian base system; you use apt or dselect
or such to install whatever else you need inside it.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.ertius.org/
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