Clive Menzies wrote: > On (28/09/06 10:59), Stephen Allen wrote: >> On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 10:34:14AM -0400 or thereabouts, celejar wrote: >>> On 9/28/06, Stephen Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>>> Right. May have to. >>>> >>>> Thanks Clive. >>> Have you tried 'exim -qff' ? >> Hello Celejar: >> >> Yes, actually tried '-qf' prior as well -- No change in the 'q'. >> >> It seems strange that Exim4 would break, if the network to the SMARTHOST >> is down. One would assume that it would carry on as usual once the >> connection was restored. > > another thought: > > dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
Clive: Yeah I don't really want to resort to that -- If one has to do such a draconian measure then I would think this is a bug in Exim4, no ? Surely one shouldn't have to do this to fix a mailq issue.
begin:vcard fn:Stephen Allen n:Allen;Stephen org:SDA Digital Services adr:;;76 Pembroke Street;Toronto;ON;M5A 2N8;Canada email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:Mr. tel;work:416-964-6647 note;quoted-printable:My rates are flexible depending on the work required and the timing ofcom= pletion.=0D=0A= =0D=0A= I'm very conversant in Print Design, typesetting and layout as well. Iwil= l be more than happy to discuss all your design needs, whether theybe for= the Web or for Print. x-mozilla-html:TRUE url: version:2.1 end:vcard