On 28/09/2006 celejar wrote: > I believe that '-qf' won't resend frozen messages; did you try '-qff' > ?
Yes. It appears that this will not over-ride the retry time, as per below. > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> R=smarthost T=remote_smtp_ > smarthost defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host > 2006-09-28 11:24:45 Remote host gmail-smtp.l.google.com [] > closed connection in respons > e to MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=2265 > 2006-09-28 11:24:45 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> R=smarthost > T=remote_smtp_ > smarthost defer (-18): Remote host gmail-smtp.l.google.com [] > closed connection in resp > onse to MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=2265
begin:vcard fn:Stephen Allen n:Allen;Stephen org:SDA Digital Services adr:;;76 Pembroke Street;Toronto;ON;M5A 2N8;Canada email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:Mr. tel;work:416-964-6647 note;quoted-printable:My rates are flexible depending on the work required and the timing ofcom= pletion.=0D=0A= =0D=0A= I'm very conversant in Print Design, typesetting and layout as well. Iwil= l be more than happy to discuss all your design needs, whether theybe for= the Web or for Print. x-mozilla-html:TRUE url:http://sweetpig.dyndns.org:1200/Portfolio/ version:2.1 end:vcard