On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 18:17, Mike Dresser wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > It was fairly common in the early 80's for application source to be
> > printed in a variety of magizines and to be shared between users.  I'm
> > not referring to pirated software, but rather Free software.  I remember
> > Commodore (yes Commodore) magazines with the source for applications
> > printed among their pages.
> Home comput(er/ing) Magazine (HCM) used to publish code for 5 or 6
> different computers, atari 800?, ti99/4a, c64, vic/20, etc.  Back in the
> early 80's, so I dont'r emember what all they covered.  99'r mag had a
> similar idea, but only for the ti99/4a.
> Talk about portability, even back then.  They actually had a program you
> inputted your program into, and it would do a crude checksum to make sure
> you typed your code in properly.
> Have i dated myself now? :D

Not terribly. All you've told us is that you're most likely somewhere at
or after your early to mid twenties. :)

I'm 23 and I remember helping my dad type in code for our Commodore 64
from a magazine... and today I'm a 'Linux Geek(tm)'... imagine that...

Now, if you were to say that you read the original printing of 'The
Story of Mel' during your lunch break one day and agreed wholeheartedly,
THEN you would be dating yourself. ;)

Alex Malinovich
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