On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> It was fairly common in the early 80's for application source to be
> printed in a variety of magizines and to be shared between users.  I'm
> not referring to pirated software, but rather Free software.  I remember
> Commodore (yes Commodore) magazines with the source for applications
> printed among their pages.

Home comput(er/ing) Magazine (HCM) used to publish code for 5 or 6
different computers, atari 800?, ti99/4a, c64, vic/20, etc.  Back in the
early 80's, so I dont'r emember what all they covered.  99'r mag had a
similar idea, but only for the ti99/4a.

Talk about portability, even back then.  They actually had a program you
inputted your program into, and it would do a crude checksum to make sure
you typed your code in properly.

Have i dated myself now? :D

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