On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 16:00:19 -0400
Kamaraju Kusumanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to upgrade a package only if it is installed. If the
> package is not already installed, I would not want it to be
> installed. Is this possible? 
> Currently when I use
> apt-get install <packagename>
> apt-get does not distinguish between whether the package has already
> been installed or not. Is there any other program which distinguishes
> between the two?

Unless I misunderstand your question, I believe you should be using
"upgrade" and not "install".

apt-get install <packagename>
will install a new package into your system.

apt-get upgrade <packagename>
will upgrade a package if it is already installed in your system and an
upgrade is available.

apt-get upgrade
will upgrade all installed packages if an upgrade is available.

In addition, the command "aptitude" is now recommended in place of
"apt-get". The aptitude program handles package dependencies better
than the apt-get program.

Good Luck,
Bill Thompson

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