Matthias Julius wrote:
> "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Matthias Julius wrote:
>>>Curt Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>For $200, you can get the Robinson Curriculum, a complete K-12 home 
>>>>study kit, except math books. Math books are $50 each, new, approx 
>>>>one per year depending on student speed and aptitude of course.
>>>>So even at the slowest, full 13 years worth of math books and the rest 
>>>>of it, is $850. Total. And you get to resell or reuse the math books.
>>>How do you do that when you have to go to work?
>>How do you do it *now* when you have to go to work?
> I send them to school?
Then that's what you would do with private education.

>>>>The public schools in the United States spend MORE THAN $10,000 (TEN 
>>>>THOUSAND DOLLARS) per student EACH YEAR, EVERY YEAR, and it's only 
>>>>going up.
>>>Why is that so?  Just because it is a public school?  Why is a public
>>>school by definition so different from a private school?  Is there no
>>>way of making a public school more (cost-)efficient?
>>No.  That is the point.  By definition, government has no incentive to
>>be efficient.  If it did, half the problems (number pulled from my hat)
>>that exist in American government would likely cease to exist.  If
>>schools were run more like the Postal Service, that would be a step in
>>the right direction.  But wait, we actually have to *pay* postage.  So
>>if people want to continue to be able to send their kids to school for
>>"free," there is no way to make it efficient.
> I don't think any government likes to be beaten for increasing debt or
> raising taxes.  And improving the public school system could be a very
> good reason for reelection.
> What the public school system lacks is an equivalent of revenue, some
> benchmark other than the grades of its graduates.  Those are cheap.

Yes.  Please see my previous comments about the Postal Service as an
example of how this *could* work.  I still maintain that all private is
the way to go, but there are other ways it could work.  As long as the
proposed method doesn't involve forcible redistribution of wealth, I am
all for it.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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