On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 07:12:03PM -0700, Serena Cantor wrote:
> I have just set up a network of 2 PCs using Ethernet
> connection, both running Linux.
> How to transfer files between them?
Hi Serena,
You need at assign IP addresses to each. You can check 
'/sbin/ifconfig eth0' (assuming you have 1 network card in each) to see
what the IP address is. This is usually set in Debian in
/etc/network/interfaces or etherconf(?). Once you have an IP address for
each machine, you then choose the protocol to use: ftp, ssh, scp,
You need to run a Server on Machine A and then use the client on Machine B.
If you want to transfer files in both direction, you then need to
install servers and clients on both machines.
The basic one for Unix is ssh as its the easiest and most secure.
you install ssh with 'apt-get install ssh'. This (on sid) installs the
sshd (the server or Daemon for ssh) and the client 'ssh' and 'scp'. If you dont
have a firewall to block access between them, you do:
'scp /path/to/file/mydata [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/new/file/mydata' (on the 
scp is 'secure copy' like 'cp'.It will ask for the password on usernameB
then copy the files.
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