Adam Hardy wrote:

Chris Lale on 19/04/06 12:05, wrote:

I cannot view PDFs using Firefox in Etch (Testing). I get:

"There was an error while loading the plugin - ewh.api. The plugin failed to initialize."

I have these packages installed:

   acroread 7.0.5-0.0
   mozilla-acroread 7.0.5-0.0

According to
   Adobe Reader    Version: 7.0.5

  1. Install Adobe Reader.
2. Create a symbolic link to to your Mozilla plugins directory.
  3. Ensure a copy of acroread is in your PATH.

On my system:
2. /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/ is a symlink to /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser/intellinux/ 3. Acroread is in my path since I can launch it from a terminal window with the command 'acroread'.

I don't have the mozilla-acroread package in my sources for testing, so I can't test it. However I can run acroread on its own no problem. Can you?

Hello Adam.
Yes, acroread runs OK. Its just the Firefox plugin that has the problem. I cannot open or save a PDF in Firefox.

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