On Sunday 23 April 2006 04:58, Chris Lale wrote:
>Chris Lale wrote:
>> I cannot view PDFs using Firefox in Etch (Testing). I get:
>>    "There was an error while loading the plugin - ewh.api. The
>> plugin failed to initialize."
>> I have these packages installed:
>>    acroread 7.0.5-0.0
>>    mozilla-acroread 7.0.5-0.0
>> According to http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Acrobat:
>>    Adobe Reader    Version: 7.0.5
>>   1. Install Adobe Reader.
>>   2. Create a symbolic link to nppdf.so to your Mozilla plugins
>> directory.
>>   3. Ensure a copy of acroread is in your PATH.
>> On my system:
>> 2. /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/pluginsnppdf.so is a symlink to
>> /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so
>> 3. Acroread is in my path since I can launch it from a terminal
>> window with the command 'acroread'.
>> According to Acroread Help -> About Adobe Plugins, ewh is loaded.
>> There is a note to say that that the Netscape plugin is required for
>> loading (this seems to be the nppdf.so file above).
>> Any suggestions?
>> Chris.
>After updating Etch sources, mozilla-acroread is no longer
> installable:
>    Package mozilla-acroread is not available, but is referred to by
>another package.
>    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
>    is only available from another source
>    E: Package mozilla-acroread has no installation candidate
>According to http://www.debian.org/Bugs/
>    No maintainer for mozilla-acroread. Please do not report new bugs
>against this package.
>    There is no record of the mozilla-acroread package, and no bugs
> have been filed against it.
>Perhaps this is the problem? - there is no package maintainer! I,ll
> wait to see if the package reappears and hope that solves the
> problem. Otherwise I'll install from Mozilla's tarball at
>Thank you all for your suggestions.

This is probably unrelated, but acroread, the latest version just 
installed 3 days ago, doesn't run on my FC5 box with all updates 
installed.  The error is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# acroread
/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while 
loading shared 
libraries: /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/lib/libJP2K.so: 
cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

which has an selinux flavor to it.  So I just set it to permissive & 
rebooted.  And that fixed it, acroread now not only runs from a cli, it 
also shows up in firefox's about:plugins listing.

Now the $64 question is, how do we permit it to run when selinux is in 
the enforcing mode?

Cheers, Gene
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