Søren Christensen wrote:
> This means, that I will then have acces to packages from all 3 dists,
> but that there will be a preference for Etch/Testing when updating
> installed packages? Right?

Almost. _If_ you have access to all 3 branches (in sources.list) then
testing (currently "etch") will be given preference to a point where it
will automatically upgrade/downgrade packages from the other branches.
I'm not sure if it necessary to have all 3 in the preferences file, but
it does not hurt, so I leave it.

> Still I must add Testing/Etch to /etc/apt/sources.list ?

Naturally. Unless you plan to use some stable packages then you should
remove the stable ("sarge") lines (or replace them with testing lines.)

Best regards,

George Borisov

DXSolutions Ltd

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