On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 09:35:47AM -0400, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> -- David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Thursday, 12 June 2003, 01:10 PM +0200):
> > Yes, I searched through the archives and read some of the comments.
> > However, they don't tell me exactly what's going on...
> > 
> > /etc/profile is read by a login shell, and not by starting an xterm. Of
> > course, so far, so good... However, when I log in to X, doesn't
> > xdm/kdm/gdm run a login shell which then starts xinit or something like
> > that? Apparantly not, because if I export a variable from /etc/profile,
> > I don't see it in X. What does xdm/kdm/gdm do then?
> > 
> > So, how do I set a variable like CUPS_SERVER=nebula so that it is set
> > during a console login _and_ during an X login?
> Not sure what shell you're using, but in bash, I do the following:
> 1) In $HOME/.bashrc (this could be in the profile somewhere; I don't
>    manage a large system), I set and export any environment variables I
>    need in my login shell.
> 2) In $HOME/.bash_profile, I have the following lines at the top of the
>    file:
>    # Get the aliases and functions
>    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>        . ~/.bashrc
>    fi
> 3) In $HOME/.xsession (which is called by xdm, gdm, and kdm), I add the
>    very same lines above at the top of that file, before any specific items
>    needed for the xsession.
> Doing the above means I only need to change one file when I want to
> change my environment, and ensures that that environment is available
> whenever and whereever I'm working (login shell, non-login shell, and X
> session).

Perhaps I should've been more specific (sorry, :-). What I'm wondering
about is _why_ /etc/profile is not read during an X login and what file
I need to edit to have a _system-wide_ variable declaration.

Of course, for an individual user, you're response is totally valid and
I will check my .xsession, ;-)

Thanks, David

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