Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

> 1) In $HOME/.bashrc (this could be in the profile somewhere; I don't
>    manage a large system), I set and export any environment variables I
>    need in my login shell.
> 2) In $HOME/.bash_profile, I have the following lines at the top of the
>    file:
>    # Get the aliases and functions
>    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>        . ~/.bashrc
>    fi
> 3) In $HOME/.xsession (which is called by xdm, gdm, and kdm), I add the
>    very same lines above at the top of that file, before any specific items
>    needed for the xsession.
> Doing the above means I only need to change one file when I want to
> change my environment, and ensures that that environment is available
> whenever and whereever I'm working (login shell, non-login shell, and X
> session).

I don't think .bashrc is the right place to be setting environment
variables, because it means that you will fail to inherit variables from
a parent shell, since .bashrc is read by all interactive bashes.

Thus if .bashrc contains:

export FOO=bar

You log in, and do the following:

% echo $FOO
% export FOO=quux
% echo $FOO
% bash
% echo $FOO
% exit
% echo $FOO

Note how your manual change from FOO=bar to FOO=quux was lost in the
subshell, because the subshell read .bashrc again.

My solution to this problem is to put all exported variables into
another file, .bash_vars, which is sourced from .bash_profile and
.xsession. This way, the variables all get set properly, but only once.


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