Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> I guess I missed something in the weekly update of my testing system. I
> needed to recompile my 2.4.27 kernel (because USB mass storage suddenly
> broke, on which I'll post seperately if I can't figure it out). So, I go to
> 'dpkg -i linux-image-2.4.27_...' and it bails because installation will
> overwrite a file (it turns out LOTS of files) provided by '
> kernel-image-2.4.27'. I used the --force-overwrite option to dpkg to
> install anyway, and it seems no harm was done. I'm sure there was some good
> reason for the change, but the transition could have been made a little more
> transparent!
I cannot speak for how transparent it is or it is not, but you should
have uninstalled kernel-image-2.4.27 before installing
linux-image-2.4.27, and not let it overwrite things. Now if you
uninstall one of them, it will take part of files belonging to another
with it. You should now uninstall (purge) both of them and only install
one, or things may break when you least expect it.
It didn't strike me as a good idea to purge a running kernel, and dpkg warned against it. So I compiled a 2.6.15 kernel (from the linux-source-2.6.15 package) and installed that, then purged the two 2.4.27s. But the 2.6.15 kernel breaks some things on my laptop, and so I have reinstalled the custom linux-image-2.4.27. Thanks for the advice to purge, though; I'm sure you were right that there were problems ahead with two packages sharing files.