The "best" SDK is SUN sdk
read this
and especially last part

Installing eclipse is extremely easy -- just unpack archive with
binaries somewhere and launch it :)

В Срд, 15/02/2006 в 16:54 -0800, Marc Shapiro пишет:
> Please, no flame wars!
> I understand that what is best for one person may not be for another.
> I think that it is time to learn to code in java.  Where do I start? 
> I have verified that I do not have javac on my box.  In trying to find 
> what package provides javac I came across free-java-sdk.  This sounds 
> like it will provide a java compiler, vm, and a bunch of tooks.  I am 
> not clear on whether it provides an IDE, or not.
> Checking apt-cache show implies that I can change my JAVA_HOME 
> environment variable, which makes it sound like this will completely 
> replace j2re1.4.2.  Is this correct?  Is it a good idea?  will this 
> affect running java apps in mozilla-suite, firefox, or opera?
> I also ran across eclipse, although this does not appear to be packaged 
> for Debian.  From what I see at, this would use my existing 
> j2re1.4.2 and WOULD provide an IDE.
> Is there someplace else that I should be looking?  Links to info, or 
> previous posts covering this would be OK.
> -- 
> Marc Shapiro

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