On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 11:43 -0800, C. Chad Wallace wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Bad news.  "Domesticated" turkeys have been specifically bred to
> > have huge breast muscles.
> WTF?  How does selective breeding compare to hormones and antibiotics?  
> Breeding is simply guiding a species along a specific natural path...  
> Hormones are a load of who knows what being injected into our food.  No 
> similarity here.
> On the other hand, I'm sure turkeys, chickens and all the rest are being 
> injected full of similar nasties...  so... *shrug*  Buy organic.
> Sorry... very latecomer to the thread... just had to correct a glaring error 
> in logic.

Selective breeding has the potential to be just as bad as hormone
injections. Breeders have been known to inbreed animals in an attempt to
guarantee a certain desirable trait. But inbreeding can cause lots of
nasty things including genetic mutations. So a few years down the road
those inbred "organic" turkeys can be just as bad as hormone-injected

Alex Malinovich
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