Ron Johnson wrote:
> If you say so.  It works well enough for my limited needs.

    Clients that treat IMAP like a glorified POP should just remove it and
save the compile time.  Seriously.

>>    Harfs on IMAPS

> For those of use who don't use IMAPS, though...

    Ah, yes, passwords in the clear.

>>    All of those are far more serious than no reply-to-list.

> Any recommendation, besides mutt?

    Sure, Thunderbird.  Between lousy IMAP, broken IMAPS, bad wrapping, the
lousy "personalities" model and no reply-to-list the first 4 are pure
frustration while the last is a minor annoyance.  The frustration is trying to
figure out why the firefox gang has let such a trivial thing last so long
while programming in far more complex features with a far smaller appeal.  :(

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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