This is the script:

#! /bin/bash
killall kio_audiocd
eject /dev/hdc

The point is brobably on the permissions for /usr/bin/eject (or wherever it sits).

ls -l `which eject`    (these are backticks, not apostrophes)

you'll see not everyone can eject. Either set a+x permission to eject or put yourself in the correct group.

The other way is to put yourself in the gksu and sudo configuration. This involves a little more editing, but then you will be able to run eject, aptitude, synaptic, NetworkManager and everything else, just by writing "gksu /path/to/the/program" instead of just the program, in the commandline. gksu is in gnome maybe in kde is another.

For hint, see the properties of the icon "synaptic" or "login configuration" or any other 'root' program. You right-click on the menu item and see the command used. this is the command to get root permissions. normally a plain "sudo /usr/bin/eject /dev/hdc" is sufficient, provided you are in the /etc/sudoers file.

man sudo
man sudoers
man gksu
man eject

And, the script you found corrects a bug when apps do not close properly, but does not correct a security feature when norma users are not allowed to eject devices!

I didn't write it but found on the web while looking
for solution for the problem of not being able to
eject cd from the drive.  This script supposedly
corrects a serious bug in kde that prevents ejecting
I also installed the 'eject' package that Roberto
suggested. I have the same problem with that one as
well. It works only if I login as root and navigate to
its folder; but it doesn't work as a link.
This is the output of the ls -la /usr/bin/

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 47 2005-06-26 15:58

I tried the sh /usr/bin/ link in the link dialog
but didn't work.


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