On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 09:08:09AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote: | >>"David" == David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | | David> Woody, however, is supposed to support 11 arches to potato's | David> 6. One could drop the 5 new arches without encountering this | David> problem. Would dropping these 5 not help? | | I'd actually be in favour of dropping i386, most bugs and complaints | seem to come from there; dropping i386 shall make the work small | enough that we can manage it.
<grin> -D -- Microsoft is to operating systems & security .... .... what McDonald's is to gourmet cooking GnuPG key : http://dman.ddts.net/~dman/public_key.gpg
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