begin  Jeffrey W. Baker quotation:
> I'm sure that would be it, if I could select the deleted messages.  
> When I use the up/down arrow to navigate, the cursor skips 'D' messages.
> Thus I can't undelete them.  This reminds my of elm.

Type the number of the message you want to go to.

> And, what is the version without all the questions?  I put 'set
> fast_reply' in .muttrc but it didn't get rid of the questions. 

Try "set fast_reply = yes" and see what happens.

Also, fast_reply is skipped if you have autoedit set.

BTW, I'm getting these answers for you by typing "man muttrc" and
spending a few seconds searching and reading.

> See, that's what I'm talking about.  Everybody says how great mutt is
> but I can't even start using it without reading a long manual.

What's your point?  Read The Freakin' Manual.  If you can read email,
you can read the manual.  If you don't want to read the manual, stop
using Mutt.  Mutt isn't for everybody.  Nobody will be offended if you
go back to Pine.

Shawn McMahon                    | McMahon's Laws of Linux support:               | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

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