On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 00:25:00 -0700
"Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> I've switched to maildir, um, well, I forget why.  Maybe peformance,
> maybe trepidation over my mbox files breaking one day.
> With 1000+ messages (and 5000+ is pretty easily attainable),
> performance on opening a folder sucks.  I assume it's because mutt has
> to do an fopen() on each file, scan headers, group output, and sort
> it.  The result is a several-seconds (sometimes 10-20) on opening
> large folders.
> Is there any way to speed this up?
> The faster of the two boxes is a PIII-400 (faster's on the way), 384
> MiB, SCSI drive.

Hey there :) I typically read huge volumes of email (I tend to read a
lot of lists) ... maybe five, six hundred emails a day. Anyways, you can
imagine that over time my mailstore gets to be quite big ;)

At the same time, performance is a serious issue for me. If it takes
more than two or three seconds to get into any single mailbox, I'm
grinding my teeth. So, with that, I went around poking at all the
various MUAs around, doing some simple benchmarks with a stopwatch.

Mutt was pretty slow. I mean, more than fast enough for most people, but
it isn't going to win any awards for speed. I tested with MH maildir,
Qmail Maildir, mbox and imap. It was all fairly slow. Unpleasantly so,

Anyways, I spent a lot of time trying to make it faster (because,
really, I do like Mutt), but it just didn't happen. Spent about two
months asking around too, with no luck. As Pedro said, the only option
is to reduce the size of your mailboxes. :)

P.S.: Fastest MUA I can bear? Sylpheed. It bites that it's GTK+ and not
console/text, but despite that it's still the fastest fullscreen/gui
mailer I found, and is faster than many CLI(mail, nmh, etc) clients to

\ David B. Harris, Systems administrator   |   http://www.terrabox.com /
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |     http://eelf.ddts.net  \
/ Clan Barclay motto: Aut agere, aut mori.  (Either action, or death.) \

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